Where are you? Your country is being destroyed. All of those times that I said that the military was the only institution that had not been completely corrupted, was I wrong? When I said so many times that the military was the one institution whose members understood the oath that they took and would honor it no matter the cost, was I correct, or was I just a schoolboy repeating a fairy-tale that he naively believed was true?

I understand your reluctance to step in, but your duty is clear. Your country has been attacked by multiple other countries (enemies foreign) who colluded with hundreds of traitors within (enemies domestic) to hijack the most basic instrument of freedom – the free and open election system – and corrupted it to install more of their minions into positions of power within the government and reelect those already there. On your watch a coup was planned and (so far) successfully executed. A duly elected president was unseated so that today an impostor, a usurper, a changeling now illegitimately occupies the most powerful office in the world. Yet still you (appear to) sit, and while you sit a second danger looms.

All of those millions of firearms and hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition were not purchased by their owners to plink at beer cans in the back yard. If the day comes, and it may well be just over the horizon, when they come to believe, whether rightly or wrongly, that you will not act to honor your oath and do your constitutional duty, then they will rise up and do it for you, and that is exactly what the multi-national Deep State cabal wants – Americans fighting against Americans in a second civil war. The evil ones will have been granted their hearts’ fondest desire, and it will be you who gave it to them.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
[Dietrich Bonhoeffer]

“Stay the course,” they were told, “Hold the line. Trust the plan.” They have patiently done all of that while watching their beloved republic crumble around them. In a day and time when deception is the norm and nothing is as it seems, there is one thing that we can count on – that their patience is not infinite. Each day that passes makes it more likely that some spark or other could ignite our very own Armageddon, and if that happens, then it, too, will go onto your ledger, and the blood of every slain patriot will be upon your heads and will remain a stain upon your families for hundreds of years.

If the worst does happen, then when the fires die out and the smoke finally clears, if there is anyone left to write a history, and if an accurate record is actually made, what do you suppose it will say about you?

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.”
[Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.]

Perhaps those are correct who say that you actually ARE acting but are keeping it quiet, and, if so, I caution you this: Whether you are not acting or whether you are, and it just appears that you are not, either could well precipitate the same regrettable result.

By Jere Moore

Jere Moore has been blogging about political matters since 2008. His posts include commentary about current news items, conservative opinion pieces, satirical articles, stories that illustrate conservative principles, and posts about history, rights, and economics.