the personality database loki

Thor sadly agreed and said goodbye to his brother and thanked him for coming, accepting that the death of their father and the disasters that had befallen their family had all fallen to him as he accepted his fate to remain on Earth for the rest of his life. While Odin explained that Ragnark was upon them, Thor told his father he had put an end to Ragnark. As he continued he spill out insults to his brother, Loki was then pushed onto a Asgardian Skiff flown by Fandral. When Thor asked how he looked, Loki answered, like a king.[18]. Loki is taken into custody by the Avengers, As the Avengers were escorting Loki out of the Stark Tower, they were stopped by Alexander Pierce and a group of HYDRA operatives that were disguised as S.H.I.E.L.D. What Is Personality Typology and Why Does It Matter? Loki also spoke to Hawkeye about the team of Avengers that Nick Fury was forming. Arcadia University. Personality Index (PDX) is a consensus-driven platform based on analytical psychology typing methods such as Jungian Cognitive Functions, Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI), Enneagram, Instinctual Variant, Tritype, Socionics, Big Five Personality Traits (SLOAN), Psychosophy (Attitudinal Psyche), Temperaments, Mind Axes, and . I hope you do finish it, and thank you for your kind comments about this post , A freaking plus work! Despite his solitude, Frigga alone continued to communicate with Loki despite the commands of Odin, and did so via a projection of herself to his cell. Loki handing over the Tesseract to Thanos. This did little more than enrage Thor, who disarmed Loki of his staff before hitting him repeatedly in the face, soon beating Loki into submission before picking him up over his head and slamming him down hard onto the ruined balcony. This son of Asgard is a strong-willed leader who loves to tackle problems head-on. In response to his act of treason against the throne, Loki proceeded to strip Heimdall of all titles and finally banished him from the Kingdom, never to return again. Co-workers are likely to be similarly at a loss. This caused Thor to send lightning towards them, toppling the mine on top of them. The main deviation from that is that his goal was leading the Avengers to defeat and ruin (especially Hulk) and making everyone miserable (acting out his shadow). It's hard to find a userbase that toxic in a (mostly) singleplayer game. Loki is informed that Frigga has been killed. For example, when he was at the mercy of Thor on top of the Bifrost Bridge, Loki pathetically begged for his life, yet revealed the act to be just another one of his illusion manipulations and a feint to ambush his brother. Thor even stated that Loki indeed died with honor but even this was a ruse as he has usurped the throne of Asgard and captured Odin. Speaking of which, his most memorable attempt at Fe in Avengers Assemble is getting all excited about manipulating her only for her to turn around and be like yeah nah. Thor, however, refused to stop fighting as the others ran from a Frost Beast while was soon killed by Thor. While he remained chained up, Loki had listened as Thor, Banner and Valkyrie discussed how to leave Sakaar and return to Asgard by going through the Devil's Anus. especially Chapter 14 and the koi and cat scene at the beginning. The House of M storyline saw Scarlet . more pondering is needed. On the way out, the two were approached by three Einherjar soldiers. From there, Loki took command of the attack on the New York City, shooting down at the humans, destroying many cars and killing dozens of innocent people in massive explosions. Once he came to Earth, Loki managed to take possession of the Tesseract and used its power to open a wormhole above New York City and caused the Chitauri Invasion, but all of Loki's schemes were ultimately defeated by the Avengers. Afraid he would be exposed, Loki eventually banished Sif from Asgard. Thor regained Mjlnir and threatened his brother, but before he could get the information he needed from Loki about the Tesseract's location, Thor was tackled by Iron Man and knocked off the side of the mountain. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. He had a deep hatred of Odin and Thor due to supposedly being the least favored son and rejected by Thor himself all the time. Loki made a team of him, Thor, and Sif. Indeed, Thor openly mocking this attitude was a deciding factor in Loki's decision to reform his ways and genuinely aid his people. His brother forgave him and found a way out of the mine. [21] Loki was put in the Asgardian Dungeons deep beneath the Palace.[7]. There are so many bigger and better things to do. Thor continued firing while Loki unlocked the doorways, while still claiming that they might as well become strangers, before being threatened by another Sakaaran Guard who Thor dispatched by forcing him to fire into the ground which shot him into the air as they entered the elevator. This books includes. Loki was placed in a confinement capsule which had been designed, without Banner's knowledge, to hold a rogue Hulk. Loki eventually stopped to observe the ongoing battle as the room shook as a Dark Elf Harrow crash-landed into the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf and the entire army of Dark Elves had then attacked the Palace. Loki offered a battle for virtue and honor, which everyone accepted. Feel the love with Deadpool, Spider-Man, the X-Men, Loki, and more! The letters INFJ stand for Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling and Judging. Thor asked Loki what had happened on Asgard, questioning if something had happened with Jotunheim, but Loki lied to him and told Thor that Odin had died, in an attempt to keep him completely unmotivated and emotionally destroyed. Upon arriving at the facility, Loki was immediately confronted by S.H.I.E.L.D. And if you have watched any shows with an ENTP as some sort of Devil, Mischief Maker, Devils advocate etc then you know they have fucking fun with it. (LogOut/ Dig into a month of Stan Lee spotlights as we celebrate the creators 100th birthday! [6], Loki alongside the rest of the royal family, As Odin often spent time with Thor, Loki grew closer to Frigga[7] and would watch her cast magic, and was impressed when she made fireworks appear from her hands. Thor then began to consider how he could possibly stop the destruction of Jotunheim, as there was no way to stop the beam of Bifrost energy, all while Loki mocked his brother for trying and failing. Since then I have had to work an inordinate amount of overtime and havent been able to write more than just a little here and there. Interestingly, the latest comment on my previous Loki post states, Loki pre-snap seems quiet and very introverted, but afterwards seems to become a twisted version of Thor: self-centered, narcissistic, showy, entitled to power at the expense of others, and merciless in conquest. This is pretty much exactly what Quenk says of INFJs looking like a distorted version of an Extraverted Sensing type, which is what Thor is as an ESTP. He was evidently angry and distraught when Thor ignored his offers to abandon Asgard and join the Grandmaster, saying emotionally that he always had to do it alone. Loki creates multiple illusions of himself, As he begged his brother to help him, Thor, seeing his brother in need, bent down to help, only to learn that Loki had indeed tricked him and created an illusion. fnf loki vore. My first Fictional MBTI post was about Loki, and though it wasnt the most complete or polished post it quickly became the most active in terms of comments. As Hulk charged forward, Loki dropped the Tesseract and lunged to push Thor out of harm's way. [7], Loki being offered up his freedom by Thor. Hela then ordered the two brothers to kneel before her as she drew her Necroswords, while Loki attempted to talk things peacefully. His mischievous nature was such that he even managed to slither his way into becoming one of the Norse deities. Intuition is great at pattern recognition and extrapolating future possibilities, and Ive never seen anyone argue Loki is not an Intuitive. Loki subjected her to a play of wits where he asked her questions about her past and her relationship with Barton. This produces a value from +1 to -1. There is a lot going on in that head of his as he works on getting the upper hand on the world around him. Loki has been described by some as a narcissist and by others as a psychopath. He's all about coming up with his plans in private but then gets bored when people can't keep up (creative Ne in Socionics). Having been captured by Valkyrie, Loki was left chained up inside of her room, waiting for her to return. [2], Loki and Thor meeting Hela for the first time. Loki Unfortunately for Loki, Thanos easily anticipated this and killed him. However, Malekith was still able to absorb the fragments. [6], Loki locates the Casket of Ancient Winters. [2], Loki comes back to the Asgardians' rescue. Loki, still disguised as Odin, ordered Sif to go capture Lorelei and bring her back to Asgard. With Odin now dead and passed into the afterlife, Loki and Thor were then forced to put aside their differences as Hela, having now been released from her prison in Hel due to Odin's death, materialized before them. Loki sneaked up behind him and stabbed him in the side with Gungnir; as Thor lay wounded on the ground, Loki created multiple versions of himself, all laughing maniacally at him. Still thinking on the shocking discovery he had made during his fight against the Frost Giants in which contact with the creatures had not done him any harm like they had done with Volstagg, but had instead changed the color of his skin to a cold blue, Loki made the decision to investigate further. The Swan Queen (Black Swan) Nina Sayers, also known as the Swan Queen, is an INFJ. Loki stayed silent, listening and working out his own plan. Seeing two Einherjar guards keeping watch, Loki advised that he be given some form of weapon, such as his knife. Speaking of manipulation, it is here that we see Loki fit David Keirseys description of INFJs as The Counselor. Loki gets power by counseling other people in ways that prompt them to play into his plans. [6], Loki and his allies arrive upon Jotunheim. With Malekith having regained the Aether from the Asgardians as he had planned, he no longer had any need to keep them alive and ordered their demise. Asgardian Royal FamilyRevengers (formerly)Sakaaran Rebellion (formerly) He pretends to have fun (and does it way way worse than a real INFJ would be able to because the viewer needs to see his struggle to sympathize with him). Loki then chose to deal with the incident by having a bath and a glass of wine.[3]. The character, which is based on the Norse deity of . Frigga then informed him that one day he could perform magic as well, assuring him that he could do anything he wanted to. Explore and participate in hundreds of our studies. Thor delighted in the successful strategy while Loki continued moaning about how humiliating it was. When Thor was to be crowned King, Loki had sabotaged the coronation by letting the Frost Giants attack Asgard, thus leading Thor to seek vengeance on Jotunheim, which resulted in Thor's banishment to Earth and Loki finding out the truth about his heritage. Haldier then saw the cup and became enthralled by it into attacking everyone. They both hung before a black hole and Loki tried to convince Odin that he had done it all for them, with Odin rejecting Loki's pleas. When Heimdall agreed, Loki ordered him not to allow anyone else to use the Bifrost until he had repaired all of the damage that was done by some of Thor's previous actions. Loki is ordered to stay by the Grandmaster. Loki confirms his true Frost Giant powers. Part of his bitterness stemmed from the fact that he was a Frost Giant and was intended as a political tool to bring peace between Asgardians and Frost Giants. Loki continued to view his blue arm in horror before it returned to his normal shade of skin. 'star wars INFP 9w1' VOTE LOGIN COMMUNITY Be#er Mo(gage We're Mo(gage Expe(s Dedicated . Knowing that Loki was truly dead, Thor did everything he could to kill Thanos and avenge him. Once she left to warn them, Loki's smile indicated that was part of his plan: to turn Hulk against the Avengers by first turning the Avengers against Hulk. I have been acting on my inferior qualities ever since my fathers demise and it has worsened in these recent years due to stress and depression. Since learning that he was the son of Laufey, Loki stated that Thor was not his brother at all, ignoring the years that they grew up together entirely and threw this in his face twice. Promising Loki that they would have their revenge for Frigga's death and his freedom as a reward for his help, Thor also vowed that if Loki betrayed him he would kill him without hesitation; nonetheless, Loki agreed to Thor's proposal. Loki is tricked and then left behind by Thor. Loki influenced Selvig to ensure that he agreed. By the jtunn Ang. With Hela and the Berserkers distracted by their battle against the Revengers, Loki was then able to successfully get into the Palace and charge into Odin's Vault without being seen or challenged. While Fandral had also noted that at the very least Thor was merely banished and not dead, noting they would have never survived if the Einherjar guard had not informed the King of their true plans, with Volstagg also questioning exactly how the guard had known. During their fight, however, Loki then noticed a tattoo on Scrapper 142's arm and realized she was, in fact, the last living Valkyrie; however, Valkyrie was clearly unwilling to allow this secret to be revealed as she kicked Loki away and furiously threatened him by pinning him against the wall and telling him to chose his next words carefully, although Loki had still remained unintimidated by Valkyrie's threat against his life. As the argument escalated, Thor and Iron engaged in a fierce fight which ended when Captain America intervened and convinced them that they should ally themselves. But lets remember that Loki is someone who was raised to be a king and ruler by a person who gained his throne by conquest. This page summarizes crowd sourced ratings of their personality collected from users of the Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz.This website has recruited more than 3 million volunteers to rate characters on descriptive adjectives and other properties, which can be aggregated to create . a. Soba b. In Germany, Loki causes a distraction by disrupting a gala at a large museum while Hawkeye, along with a few men, raids a secure installation for Iridium. Loki, disguised in a suit, attacked Schafer, grabbed the man and flipped him onto a bench, then used a special device to saw into Schafer's eyeball, allowing Barton access to steal the Iridium. All those functions are there the whole time, but you dont develop them equally and in the case of Extroverted Sensing you might only notice it when youre stressed. Users who took the quiz were asked to self-identify their Myers-Briggs and Enneagram types. spotted sandpiper winter; vw golf r mk7 performance parts. Types that use Extroverted Feeling are extremely good at reading people, and many INFJs say they can literally feel other peoples emotions. Also, I suspect Tom Hiddleston is an NF type, which would color his depiction of Loki. Thor arrived to see the destruction being caused and tried to convince his brother not to massacre an entire race, but Loki refused and continued to mock and threaten Thor. Where he was once aloof and carefree, Loki had slowly become ambitious, going to great lengths to achieve greatness without any thought or care on the consequences for others as long as Loki himself had profited. As they drove away from the wreckage of the facility, trapping Hill inside, Fury, who had survived the gunshot due to a Bulletproof Vest, flew over them in a helicopter. Loki is frequently typed as an ENTP or ENTJ because of his more theatrical, trickster side and his portrayal in the comics (just for reference, Magneto is an example of an ENTJ villain), but I think in the films thats a show Loki puts on when it suits him. Exposed, Loki locates the Casket of Ancient Winters day he could perform as! His mischievous nature was such that he even managed to slither his way into becoming one of the Norse.. To do, Thanos easily anticipated this and killed him is here that we see fit... Intuition is great at pattern recognition and extrapolating future possibilities, and Ive never seen anyone argue is! Of Avengers that Nick Fury was forming and became enthralled by it into everyone... And the personality database loki you for your kind comments about this post, a plus! 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